In 2023/24 I will deliver the following courses:
PHY11006 Fundamentals of Physics: Thermal Physics topic (Autumn semester)
PHY104 Introduction to Astrophysics (Spring semester)
PHY242 Astronomical Spectroscopy (Spring semester).
I supervise third and fourth year astrophysics projects, eg Wolf-Rayet database assembled by two M.Phys students.
I have previously taught the following modules, with PHY232 now discontinued, while PHY120 and PHY404 have evolved into new modules (e.g. PHY232 -> PHY242):
PHY120 Mathematics for Physicists and Astronomers (Autumn semester).
PHY232 The Dynamic Interstellar Medium (Spring semester).
PHY305 Stellar Atmospheres (Autumn semester).
PHY404 Star formation and evolution (Autumn semester)