
On this page:



(4) Bridging the gap: From massive stars to supernovae
J Maund, P Crowther, T Janka, N Langer
Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society A, vol. 375, issue 2105


(3) IAU Symp. 250: Massive stars as cosmic engines
F Bresolin, P Crowther, J Puls
Cambridge University Press

(2) From hot luminous stars to starburst galaxies
P Conti, P Crowther, C Leitherer
Cambridge Astrophysics Series, vol. 45, Cambridge University Press – corrections


(1) Hot star workshop III: The earliest stages of massive star birth
P Crowther (Editor)
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 267

"Research in applied science leads to reforms, research in pure science leads to revolutions, and revolutions, whether political or industrial, are exceedingly profitable things if you are on the winning side.''

– Sir Joseph J Thompson

Journal publications


(218) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity: XI: The clumped winds of O-type (super)giants in the LMCS.A. Brands et al. A&A in preparation

(217) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massuve stars at Low Metallicity: XII: Pipeline-determined physical properties of Magellanic Cloud OB stars, J.M. Bestenlehner, P.A.  Crowther, F. Tramper et al. A&A submitted

(216) Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM) I: A spectroscopic VLT monitoring survey of massive stars in the SMC, T. Shenar, J. Bodensteiner, H Sana, P.A. Crowther, D.J. Lennon et al. A&A in press arXiv:2407.14593

(215) Melnick 39 is a very massive long-period colliding-wind binary, A. Pollock, P.A. Crowther, J.M. Bestenlehner et al. MNRAS submitted

(214) Outflows from the very massive binary Melnick 34. N. Castro et al. A&A submitted

(213) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity: Physical Parameters and Feedback of Massive Stars in the LMC N11B Star-Forming Region. V. Gomez-Gonzalez et al. A&A submitted

(212) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity. IX: Empirical constraints on mass-loss rates and clumping parameters for OB supergiants in the LMC. O. Verhamme et al. A&A submitted

(211) XShooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity. VIII: Stellar and wind parameters of newly revealed stripped stars in Be binaries. V Ramachandran et al. A&A in press arXiv:2406.17678

(210) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity. VII: Stellar and Wind Properties of B supergiants in the SMC. M. Bernini-Peron et al. A&A in press arXiv:2407.14216

(209) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity: VI. Atmosphere and mass-loss properties of O-type giants in the SMC.  F. Backs, S.A. Brands, A. de Koter et al. A&A submitted

(208) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity. V: Effect of metallicity on surface abundances O stars
F Martins, J-C Bouret, DJ Hillier et al. A&A 689, A31 arXiv:2405.01267

(207) X-Sshooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity. IV: Spectral Analysis Methods and Exemplary Results. AA Sander et al. A&A 689, A30 arXiv:2407.03137

(206) X-Shooting ULLYSES. Massive Stars at low Metallicity. III: Terminal Wind Speeds of ULLYSES Massive Stars
C Hawcroft, H Sana, L Many, J O Sundqvist, A de Koter, P A Crowther et al. A&A 688, A105 arXiv:2303.12165

(205) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity. II DR1. Advanced Optical Data Products for the Magellanic Clouds
H Sana et al. A&A 688, A104 arXiv:2402.16987

(204)  Spectroscopic analysis of hot, massive stars in large spectroscopic surveys with de-idealised models
J Bestenlehner, T Ensslin, M Bergemann et al. MNRAS 528, 6735 arXiv:2309.06474

(203) Oxygen abundance of gamma Vel from [OIII] 88micron Herschel/PACS spectroscopy.
PA Crowther, MJ Barlow, P Royer et al. MNRAS 528, 2026 arXiv:2310.15170

 (202) Mapping the core of the Tarantula Nebula with VLT-MUSE. III. A template for metal-poor starburst regions in the visual and far-ultraviolet
PA Crowther, N Castro, MNRAS 527, 9023 arXiv:2311.07642

(201A resolved study of  the inner regions of  nearby galaxies  with an excess of  young massive stars: missing link in the  AGN-starburst connection?
G Kauffmann, B Millan-Irigoyen, PA Crowther, C Maraston, MNRAS 527, 150 arXiv:2310.05496


(200) Stellar properties of observed stars stripped in binaries in the Magellanic Clouds
Y Gotberg, MR Drout et al. ApJ 959 125 arXiv:2307.00074

(199) Constraints on the multiplicity of the most massive stars known: R136a1, a2, a3 and c
T Shenar, H Sana, PA Crowther et al. A&A 679, A36 arXiv:2309.13113

(198) X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity. I. Project Description
JS Vink, A Mehner, PA Crowther et al. A&A 675, A174 arXiv:2305.06376

(197) Extinction towards the cluster R136 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
S. A Brands, A de Koter, J M Bestenlehner, P A Crowther, L Kaper, S M Caballero-Nieves, G Grafener A&A 673, A132 arXiv:2303.09374

(196) A UV census of the environments of stripped-envelope supernovae                    N-C  Sun, JR Maund, P A Crowther
MNRAS 521 2873 arXiv:2209.05283

(195) Line luminosities of Galactic and Magellanic Cloud Wolf-Rayet stars P A Crowther, G Rate, J M Bestenlehner
MNRAS 521 585 arXiv:2301.11297

(194) Bringing Stellar Evolution & Feedback Together: Summary of proposals from the Lorentz Center Workshop (Topical Review)                                                                                                                    S Geen, P Agrawal, P A Crowther,  B W Keller, A de Koter et al.
PASP 135 021001 arXiv:2301.13611


(193) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey: Observational evidence for two distinct populations of massive runaway stars in 30 Doradus             H Sana, OH Ramirez-Agudelo, V Henault-Brunet et al. 
A&A 668 L5 arXiv:2211.13476

(192) The Tarantula Massive Binary Monitoring VI: Characterisation of hidden companions in 51 single-lined O-type binaries, a flat mass-ratio distribution, and black-hole binary candidates
T Shenar, H Sana, T Mahy et al.
A&A 665, A148 arXiv:2207.07674

(191) An X-ray quiet black hole born with a negligible kick in a massive binary of the Large Magellanic Cloud
T Shenar, H Sana, T Mahy et al.
Nature Astronomy 6, 1085 arXiv:2207.07675

(190) X-ray properties of early-type stars in the Tarantula Nebula from T-ReX
P A Crowther, P S Broos, L K Townsley, A M T Pollock, K A Tehrani, M Gagne
MNRAS 515, 4130 arXiv:2207.08836

(189) A hot and luminous source at the site of the fast transient AT2018cow at 2-3 years after its explosion
N-C Sun, J R Maund, P A Crowther, J-R Liu
MNRAS 512 L66 arXiv:2203.01960

(188) A study of 1,000 galaxies with unusually young and massive stars in the SDSS: A search for hidden black holes
G Kauffmann, C Marston, J Comparat, P Crowther
MNRAS 513, 1063 arXiv:2204.03986

(187) The R136 star cluster dissected with HST/STIS. III. The most massive stars and their clumped winds
S A Brands, A de Koter, J M Bestenlehner, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 663, A36 arXiv:2202.11080

(186) Grids of stellar models with rotation VII: Models from 0.8 to 300 Msun at super-solar metallicity (Z=0.020)
N Yusof, R Hirschi, H A Kassim et al.
MNRAS 511 2814 arXiv:2201.08645

(185) Melnick 33Na: A very massive colliding wind binary system in 30 Doradus
J M Bestenlehner, P A Crowther, A M T Pollock et al.
MNRAS 510 6133 arXiv:2112.00022

(184) The uncertain future of massive binaries obscures the origin of LIGO/Virgo sources
K Belczynski, A Romagnolo, A Olejak et al.
ApJ 925 69 arXiv:2108.10885

(183) An environment analysis of the Type Ib SN 2019yvr and the possible presence of an inflated binary companion
N-C Sun, J R Maund, P A Crowther et al.
MNRAS 510, 3701 arXiv:2111.06471


(182) Extreme adaptive optics astrometry of R136: Search for high proper motion stars
Z Khorrami, M Langlois, P Clark et al.
A&A 649, L8 arXiv:2104.12819

(181) The Tarantula Massive Binary Monitoring V. R144: A wind-eclipsing binary with a total mass > 140 Msun
T Shenar, H Sana, P Marchant et al.
A&A 650, A147 arXiv:2104.03323

(180) Toward better understanding supernova environments: A study of SNe 2004dg and 2012P in NGC 5806 with HST and MUSE
N-C Sun, J R Maund, P A Crowther, X Fang, E Zapartas
MNRAS 504, 2253 arXiv:2011.13667

(179) Mapping the core of the Tarantula Nebula with VLT-MUSE: II. The spectroscopic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of OB stars in NGC 2070
N Castro, P A Crowther, C J Evans et al.
A&A 648, A65 arXiv:2102.03372

(178) High contrast and resolution near infrared photometry of the core of R136
Z Khorrami, M Langlois, P Clark et al.
MNRAS 503, 292 arXiv:2102.05972

(177) A dearth of young and bright massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
A Schootemeijer, N Langer, D Lennon et al.
A&A A&A 646, A106 arXiv:2012.05913

(176) 2D kinematics of massive stars near the Galactic Center
M Libralato, D J Lennon, A Bellini et al.
MNRAS 500, 3213 arXiv:2010.10964


(175) The R136 star cluster dissected with Hubble Space Telescope/STIS. II. Physical properties of the most massive stars in R136
J M Bestenlehner, P A Crowther, S M Caballero-Nieves et al.
MNRAS 499, 1918 arXiv:2009.05136

(174) The extreme colliding-wind system Apep: Resolved imagery of the central binary and dust plume in the infrared
Y Han, P G Tuthill, R M Lau et al.
MNRAS 498, 5604 arXiv:2008.05834

(173) The changing type SN 2014C may come from an 11 Msun star stripped by binary interaction and violent eruption
N-C Sun, J Maund, P A Crowther
MNRAS 497, 5118 arXiv:2003.09325

(172) Two Wolf-Rayet stars at the heart of colliding-wind binary Apep
J R Callingham, P A Crowther, P M Williams, P G Tuthill, Y Han, B J S Pope, B Marcote
MNRAS 495, 3323 arXiv:2005.00531

(171) Unlocking Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars with Gaia DR2. II: Cluster and Association membership
G Rate, P A Crowther, R J Parker
MNRAS 495, 1209 arXiv:2005.02533

(170) Properties of OB star-black hole systems derived from detailed binary evolution models
N Langer, C Schurmann, K Stoll et al.
A&A 638, A39 arXiv:1912.09826

(169) A search for strong magnetic fields in massive and very massive stars in the Magellanic Clouds
S Bagnulo, G A Wade, Y Naze et al.
A&A 635 163 arXiv:2002.12061

(168) Unlocking Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars with Gaia DR2. I: Distances, absolute magnitudes and physical parameters
G Rate, P A Crowther
MNRAS 493, 1512 arXiv:1912.10125

(167) The Tarantula Massive Binary Monitoring: Atmospheric analysis of double-lined spectroscopic systems
L Mahy, H Sana, M Abdul-Masih et al.
A&A 634, 118 arXiv:1912.08107

(166) Origins of Type Ibn SNe 2006jc/2015G in interacting binaries and implicaions for pre-SN eruptions
N-C Sun, J R Maund, R Hirai, P A Crowther, P Podsiadlowski
MNRAS 491, 6000 arXiv:1909.07999


(165) Massive stars in the Tarantula Nebula: A Rosetta Stone for extragalactic supergiant HII regions
P A Crowther
Galaxies (review) 7, 88 arXiv:1911.02047

(164) Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae; what are the implications for their progenitors?
S J Prentice, C Ashall, P A James et al.
MNRAS 485, 1559 arXiv:1812.03716

(163) Investigating the origin of the spectral line profiles of the Hot Wolf-Rayet Star WR2
A N Chene, N St Louis, A F J Moffat, O Schnurr, P A Crowther et al.
MNRAS 484, 5834

(162) The 3D shape of Type IIb SN2011hs
H F Stevance, J Maund, D Baade et al.
MNRAS 485 102 arXiv:1901.07562

(161) Weighing Melnick 34: The most massive binary system known
K Tehrani, P A Crowther, J Bestenlehner et al.
MNRAS 484, 2692 arXiv:1901.04769

(160) Anisotropic winds in a Wolf-Rayet binary identify a potential gamma-ray burst progenitor
J Callingham, P Tuthill, B Pope et al.
Nature Astronomy 3 82, arXiv:1811.06985


(159) Gaia DR2 reveals a very massive runaway star ejected from R136
D J Lennon et al.
A&A 619 A78 arXiv:1805.08277

(158) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XXIX. Massive star formation in the local 30 Doradus starburst
F R N Schneider et al.
A&A 618 A73 arXiv:1807.03821

(157) Probing the rotational velocity of Galactic WO stars with spectropolarimetry
H F Stevance, R Ignace, P A Crowther, J R Maund, B Davies, G Rate
MNRAS 479, 4535 arXiv:1807.02117

(156) HST astrometry in the 30 Doradus region: II. Runaway stars from new proper motions in the Large Magellanic Cloud
I Platais, D J Lennon, R van der Marel et al.
AJ 156, 98 arXiv:1804.08678

(155) The Arches cluster revisited. II. A massive eclipsing spectroscopic binary in the Arches cluster
M E Lohr, J S Clark, F Najarro, L R Patrick, P A Crowther, C J Evans
A&A 617, A66 arXiv:1804.05607

(154) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XXVIII. Nitrogen abundances for apparently single B-type stars with small projected rotational velocities
P L Dufton, A Thompson, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 615 A101 arXiv:1804.02025

(153) Spectral models for binary products: Unifying subdwarfs and Wolf-Rayet stars as a sequence of stripped-envelope stars
Y Gotberg, S E de Mink, J H Groh et al.
A&A 615, A78 arXiv:1802.03018

(152) The luminosities of cool supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds, and the Humphreys-Davidson Limit revisited
B Davies, P A Crowther, E R Beasor
MNRAS 478, 3138 arXiv:1804.06417

(151) Mapping the core of the Tarantula Nebula with VLT-MUSE. I. Spectral and nebular content around R136
N Castro, P A Crowther, C J Evans et al.
A&A 614, A147 arXiv:1802.01597

(150) Chemical abundances in the leading arm of the Magellanic Stream
A J Fox, K A Barger, B P Wakker et al.
ApJ 854 142 arXiv:1801.06446

(149) An excess of massive stars in the local 30 Doradus starburst
F R N Schneider, H Sana, C J Evans et al.
Science, 359, 69 arXiv:1801.03107

(148) The 155 day X-ray cycle of the very massive Wolf-Rayet star Melnick 34 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
A M T Pollock, P A Crowther, K Tehrani, P S Broos, L K Townsley
MNRAS 474, 3228 arXiv:1803.00822

(147) A deep near-infrared spectroscopic survey of the Scutum-Crux arm for Wolf-Rayet stars
C K Rosslowe, P A Crowther
MNRAS 473, 2853 arXiv:1708.03582

(146) The first optical spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars in M101 revealed with Gemini/GMOS
J Pledger, M M Shara, M Wilde et al.
MNRAS 473, 148 arXiv:1705.01161


(145) Revealing the nebular properties and Wolf-Rayet population of IC10 with Gemini/GMOS
K Tehrani, P A Crowther, I Archer
MNRAS 472, 4618 arXiv:1708.03634

(144) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XXVII. Physical parameters of B-type main sequence binary systems in the Tarantula nebula
R Garland, P L Dufton, C J Evans, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 603, A91 arXiv:1704.07131

(143) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XXVI. Stellar properties of the O dwarf population in 30 Doradus
C Sabin-Sanjulian, S Simon-Diaz, A Herrero et al.
A&A 601, A79 arXiv:1702.04773

(142) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XXV. Stellar properties of the Surface nitrogen abundances of O-type giants and supergiants
N J Grin, O H Ramirez-Agudelo, H Sana, A de Koter et al.
A&A 600 A82 arXiv:1609.00197

(141) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XXIV. Stellar properties of the O-type giants and supergiants in 30 Doradus
O Ramirez Agudelo, H Sana, A de Koter et al.
A&A 600 A81 arXiv:1701.04758

(140) A tidal disruption event in the nearby ultra-luminous infrared galaxy F01004-2237
C Tadhunter, R Spence, M Rose, J Mullaney, P Crowther
Nature Astronomy vol. 1, 0061 arXiv:1702.02573

(139) The Tarantula massive binary monitoring project. II. A first SB2 orbital and spectroscopic analysis for the Wolf-Rayet binary R 145
T Shenar, N D Richardson, D Sablowski et al.
A&A 598, A85 arXiv:1610.07614

(138) The Tarantula Massive Binary Monitoring project: I. Observational campaign and OB-type spectroscopic binaries
L A Almeida, H Sana, W Taylor et al.
A&A 598, A84 arXiv:1610.00350


(137) The very massive star content of the nuclear star clusters in NGC 5253
L J Smith, P A Crowther, D Calzetti, F Sidoli
ApJ 823 38 arXiv:1603.06974

(136) The R136 star cluster dissected with HST/STIS. I. Far-ultraviolet spectroscopic census and the origin of HeII 1640 in young star clusters
P A Crowther, S M Caballero-Nieves, K A Bostroem et al.
MNRAS 458 624 arXiv:1603.04994


(135) The spectra of WC9 stars: Evolution and dust formation
P M Williams, P A Crowther, K A van der Hucht
MNRAS 449, 1834

(134) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey XX. B-type supergiants – atmospheric parameters and nitrogen abundances to investigate the role of binarity and the width of the main sequence
C M McEvoy, P L Dufton, C J Evans et al.
A&A 575, A70

(133) Spatial distribution of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars and implications for the global population
C Rosslowe, P A Crowther
MNRAS 447, 2322 arXiv:1412.0699Erratum MNRAS 449 2436

(132) The evolution of rotating very massive stars with LMC composition
K Kohler, N Langer, A de Koter, S E de Mink, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 574, A71


(131) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey XVII: Physical and wind properties of massive stars at the top of the main sequence
J M Bestenlehner, G Grafener, J S Vink et al.
A&A 570 A38 arXiv:1407.1837

(130) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey XVI: The optical+NIR extinction laws in 30 Doradus and the photometric determination of the effective temperatures of OB stars
J Maiz-Apellaniz et al.
A&A 564, A63


(129) Puzzling accretion onto a black hole in the ultraluminous X-ray source M 101 ULX-1
J-F Liu, J N Bregman, J Bai, S Justham, P Crowther
Nat 503, 500

(128) The vast population of Wolf-Rayet and red supergiant stars in M101: I. Motivation and first results
M M Shara, J L Bibby, D Zurek, P A Crowther, A F J Moffat, L Drissen
AJ 146, 162

(127) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XI. A census of the hot luminous stars and their feedback in 30 Doradus
E I Doran, P A Crowther, A de Koter et al.
A&A 558, A134 arXiv:1308.3412

(126) Evolution and fate of very massive stars
N Yusof, R Hirschi, G Meynet, P A Crowther et al.
MNRAS 433 1114 arXiv:1305.2099

(125) Uncovering multiple Wolf-Rayet star-clusters and the ionized ISM in Mrk 178: The closest metal-poor Wolf-Rayet HII galaxy
C Kehrig, E Perez-Montero, J M Vilchez et al.
MNRAS 432 2731 arXiv:1304.5154

(124) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey IX: The interstellar medium seen through diffuse interstellar bands and neutral sodium
J T van Loon, M Bailey, B L Tatton et al.
A&A 550, A108

(123) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey VIII: Multiplicity properties of the O-type star population
H Sana, A de Koter, S E de Mink et al.
A&A 550, A107 arXiv:1209.4638

(122) On the association between core-collapse supernovae and HII regions
P A Crowther
MNRAS 428, 1927 arXiv:1210.1126
Online appendices (PDF, 836KB)


(121) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey VII: A low velocity dispersion for the young massive cluster R136
V Henault-Brunet, C J Evans, H Sana et al.
A&A 546, A73 arXiv:1208.0825

(120) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey V: The peculiar B[e]-like supergiant, VFTS698, in 30 Doradus
P R Dunstall, M Fraser, J S Clark et al.
A&A 542 A50 arXiv:1201.6389

(119) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey IV: Candidates for isolated high-mass star formation in 30 Doradus
E Bressert, N Bastian, C J Evans et al.
A&A 542 A49 arXiv:1204.3628

(118) IC 4663: The first unambiguous [WN] Wolf-Rayet central star of a planetary nebula
B Miszalski, P A Crowther, O De Marco et al.
MNRAS 423, 934 arXiv:1203.3303

(117) The evolution and masses of the neutron star and donor star in the high mass X-ray binary OAO 1657-415
A B Mason, J S Clark, A J Norton et al.
MNRAS 422 199 arXiv:1102.3363

(116) The Wolf-Rayet population of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 5068 uncovered by VLT and Gemini
J L Bibby, P A Crowther
MNRAS 420, 3091 arXiv:1111.0958

(115) The G305 star-forming complex: The central star clusters Danks 1 and Danks 2
B Davies, J S Clark, C Trombley et al.
MNRAS 419, 1871 arXiv:1109.0314


(114) Spectral classification of O2-3.5If*/WN5-7 stars
P A Crowther, N R Walborn
MNRAS 416, 1311 arXiv:1105.4757

(113) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey III: A very massive star in apparent isolation from the massive cluster R136
J M Bestenlehner, J S Vink et al.
A&A 530, L14 arXiv:1105.1775

(112) A VLT/FLAMES survey for massive binaries in Westerlund 1. III. The WC9d binary W239 and implications for massive stellar evolution
J S Clark, B W Ritchie et al.
A&A 531, A28 arXiv:1105.0776

(111) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey II: R139 revealed as a massive binary system
W D Taylor, C J Evans et al.
A&A 510 L10 arXiv:1103.5387

(110) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey I: Introduction and observational overview
C J Evans et al.
A&A 530, A108 arXiv:1103.5386

(109) Gemini GMOS spectroscopy of HeII nebulae in M33
C Kehrig, M S Oey, P A Crowther, J Fogel, E Pellegrini, O Schnurr, D Schaerer, P Massey, K Roth
A&A 526, A128 arXiv:1011.2430


(108) Population I Wolf-Rayet runaway stars: The case of WR124 and its expanding nebula M1-67
S V Marchenko, A F J Moffat, P A Crowther
ApJ 724, L90 arXiv:1011.0785

(107) The R136 star cluster hosts several stars whose individual masses greatly exceed the accepted 150 Msun stellar mass limit
P A Crowther, O Schnurr, R Hirschi, N Yusof, R J Parker, S P Goodwin, H A Kassim
MNRAS 408, 731 arXiv:1007.3284

(106) A very large telescope imaging and spectroscopic survey of the Wolf-Rayet population in NGC 7793
J L Bibby, P A Crowther
MNRAS, 405, 2737 arXiv:1004.1549

(105) A massive runaway from 30 Doradus
C J Evans, N R Walborn, P A Crowther et al.
ApJ 715, L74

(104) Interstellar TiII in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds
D E Welty, P A Crowther
MNRAS 404, 1321

(103) NGC 300 X-1 is a Wolf-Rayet/black-hole binary
P A Crowther, R Barnard, S Carpano, V S Dhillon, J S Clark, A M T Pollock
MNRAS 403, L41 arXiv:1001.4616

(102) Mid-IR diagnostics of metal-rich HII regions from VLT and Spitzer spectroscopy of young massive stars in W31
J P Furness, P A Crowther, P W Morris, C L Barbosa, R D Blum, P S Conti, S D van Dyk
MNRAS 403, 1433 arXiv:0912.2544

(101) The Onfp class in the Magellanic Clouds
N R Walborn, I D Howarth, C J Evans, P A Crowther, A F J Moffat, N St-Louis, C Farina, C L Bosch, N I Morell, R L Barba, J T van Loon
AJ, 249 2384 arXiv:1001.4032


(100) A VLT/FLAMES survey for massive binaries in Westerlund 1: I. First epoch observations of luminous evolved stars
B W Ritchie, J S Clark, I Negueruela, P A Crowther
A&A 507, 1585 arXiv:0909.3815

(99) The binary nature of the Galactic Centre X-ray source CXOGC J174536.1-28563
J S Clark, P A Crowther, V J Mikles
A&A 507, 1567 arXiv:0909.3818

(98) Bolometric luminosity variations in the luminous blue variable AFGL2298
J S Clark, P A Crowther, V M Larionov, I A Steele, B W Ritchie, A A Arkharov
A&A 507 1555 arXiv:0909.4160

(97) The P Cygni supergiant [OMN2000] LS1 – implications for the star formation history of W51
J S Clark, B Davies, F Najarro, J MacKenty, P A Crowther, M Messineo, M A Thompson
A&A 504, 429

(96) A FEROS spectroscopic study of the extreme O supergiant He3-759
P A Crowther, C J Evans
A&A 503, 985 arXiv:0907.2539

(95) On the massive star content of the nearby dwarf irregular Wolf-Rayet galaxy IC 4662
P A Crowther, J Bibby
A&A 499, 455 arXiv:0903.2288

(94) A third red supergiant rich cluster in the Scutum-Crux Arm
J S Clark, I Negueruela, B Davies, V M Larionov, B W Ritchie, D F Figer, M Messineo, P A Crowther, A Arkharov
A&A 498, 109 arXiv:0903.1754


(93) On the central ionizing star of G23.96+0.15 and near-IR spectral classification of O stars
P A Crowther, J P Furness
A&A 492, 111 ArXiv:0810.3520

(92) Dynamical masses of star clusters in M83: A test of fibre-fed multi-object spectroscopy
S Moll, R de Grijs, P Anders, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 490, 125 arXiv:0808.3556

(91) Wolf-Rayet stars in M33 II: Optical spectroscopy of emission-line stars in Giant HII regions
L Drissen, P A Crowther, L Ubeda, P Martin
MNRAS 389, 1033 arXiv:0806.2655

(90) The blue supergiant Sher 25 and its intriguing hourglass nebula
M A Hendry, S J Smartt, E D Skillman et al.
MNRAS 388, 1127 arXiv:0803.4262

(89) A downward revision to the distance of the 1806-20 cluster and associated magnetar from Gemini near-infrared spectroscopy
J L Bibby, P A Crowther, J P Furness, J S Clark
MNRAS 386, L23 arXiv:0802.0815

(88) Iron abundances from optical FeII absorption lines in B-type stellar spectra
H M H Thompson, F P Keenan, P L Dufton, C Trundle, R S I Ryans, P A Crowther
MNRAS 383, 729 arXiv:0710.3252

(87) Unveiling the X-ray point source population of the young massive cluster Westerlund 1
J S Clark, M P Muno, I Negueruela, S M Dougherty, P A Crowther, S P Goodwin, R de Grijs
A&A 477, 147


(86) Cluster and nebular properties of the central star-forming region of NGC 1140
S L Moll, R de Grijs, S Mengel, L J Smith, P A Crowther
MNRAS 382, 1877 arXiv:0709.3394

(85) The orbital period of the Wolf-Rayet binary IC10 X-1: Dynamic evidence that the compact object is a black hole
A H Prestwich, R Kilgard, P A Crowther, S Carpano, A M T Pollock, A Zezas T Roberts, M Ward
ApJ 669 L21 arXiv:0709.2892v1

(84) A survey of the Wolf-Rayet population of the barred, spiral galaxy NGC1313
L J Hadfield, P A Crowther
MNRAS 381, 418 arXiv:0708.2039v1

(83) The empirical metallicity dependence of the mass-loss rate of O- and early B-type stars
R Mokiem, A de Koter, J S Vink, C J Evans, S J Smartt, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 473, 603 arXiv:0708.2042v1

(82) Physical properties of Wolf-Rayet stars
P A Crowther
Ann. Rev. of Astron. & Astrophys. vol. 45, 171 astro-ph/0610356

(81) On the optical counterpart of NGC300 X-1 and the global Wolf-Rayet content of NGC300
P A Crowther, S Carpano, L J Hadfield, A M T Pollock
A&A 469 L31 arXiv:0705.1544v1

(80) Testing the predicted mass-loss bi-stability jump at radio wavelengths
P Benaglia, J S Vink, J Marti, J Maiz Apellaniz, B Koribalski, P A Crowther
A&A 467, 1265 astro-ph/0703577

(79) A 33-hour period for the Wolf-Rayet/black hole X-ray binary candidate NGC 300 X-1
S Carpano, A M T Pollock, A Prestwick, P A Crowther, J Wilms, L Yungelson, M Ehle
A&A 466, L17 astro-ph/0703270

(78) The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars: Mass loss and rotation of early type stars in the LMC
R Mokiem, A de Koter, C J Evans, J Puls, S J Smartt, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 465, 1003


(77) A census of the Wolf-Rayet content in Westerlund 1 from near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy
P A Crowther, L J Hadfield, J S Clark, I Negueruela, W D Vacca
MNRAS 372, 1407 astro-ph/0608356

(76) Spectral evolution of the luminous blue variable NGC2363-V1: I. Observations and qualitative analysis of the ongoing giant eruption
V Petit, L Drissen, P A Crowther
AJ 132, 1756

(75) The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars: Mass loss and rotation of early type stars in the SMC
R Mokiem, A de Koter, C J Evans, J Puls, S J Smartt, P A Crowther et al.
A&A 456, 1131 astro-ph/0606403

(74) V605 Aql: The older twin of Sakurai's Object
G C Clayton, F Kerber, N Pirzkal, O De Marco, P A Crowther, J M Fedrow
ApJ 646 L69 astro-ph/0606257

(73) The massive star population in the GHII region Tol 89 in NGC5398
F Sidoli, L J Smith, P A Crowther
MNRAS 370, 799 astro-ph/0605100

(72) How extreme are the Wolf-Rayet clusters in NGC3125?
L J Hadfield, P A Crowther
MNRAS 368, 1822 astro-ph/0602591

(71) On the reliability of CIV 1550 as an abundance indicator for high-redshift star forming galaxies
P A Crowther, R K Prinja, M Pettini, C C Steidel
MNRAS 368, 895 astro-ph/0602188

(70) Reduced Wolf-Rayet line luminosities at low metallicities
P A Crowther, L J Hadfield
A&A 449, 711 astro-ph/0512183

(69) Physical parameters and wind properties of galactic early B supergiants
P Crowther, D J Lennon, N R Walborn
A&A 446, 279 astro-ph/0509436

(68) An ultraviolet to mid-infrared study of the physical and wind properties of HD 164270 (WC9) and comparison to BD+30 3639 ([WC9])
P Crowther, P W Morris, J D Smith
ApJ 636, 1033 astro-ph/0509343

(67) A neutron star with a massive progenitor in Westerlund 1
M P Muno, J S Clark, P A Crowther, S M Dougherty, R de Grijs, C Law, S L W McMillan, M R Morris, I Negueruela, D Pooley, S Portegies-Zwart, F Yusef-Zadeh
ApJ 636, L41 astro-ph/0509408


(66) Five WC9 stars discovered in the AAO/UKST Halpha survey
E C Hopewell, M J Barlow, J E Drew, Y C Unrih, Q A Parker, M J Pierce, P A Crowther, C Kingge, S Phillipps, A A Zijlstra
MNRAS 363 857 astro-ph/0508187

(65) A spectroscopic search for the non-nuclear Wolf-Rayet population of the metal-rich spiral galaxy M83
L J Hadfield, P Crowther, H Schild, W Schmutz
A&A 439, 265

(64) On the massive stellar population of the super star cluster Westerlund 1
J S Clark, I Negueruela, P Crowther, S P Goodwin
A&A 434, 949

(63) The spectrum of the very massive binary system WR20a: Fundamental parameters and wind interactions
G Rauw, P Crowther, M De Becker, E Gosset, Y Naze, H Sana, K A van der Hucht, J M Vreux, P M Williams
A&A 432, 985


(62) MSX mid infrared imaging of massive star birth environments. II: Giant HII regions
P Conti, P Crowther
MNRAS 355, 899 astro-ph/0307365

(61) An atlas of far-ultraviolet spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars from the FUSE satellite
A Willis, P Crowther, A Fullerton, J Hutchings, G Sonneborn, K Brownsberger, D Massa, N Walborn
ApJS 154 651

(60) Hydrogen in the atmosphere of the evolved WN3 Wolf-Rayet star WR3: Defying an evolutionary paradigm?
S V Marchenko, A F J Moffat, P Crowther et al.
MNRAS 353, 153

(59) Spitzer IRS spectroscopy of the prototype Wolf-Rayet star EZ CMa (HD 50896)
P Morris, P Crowther, J Houck
ApJS 154, 413

(58) Quantitative studies of the far-UV, UV and optical spectra of late O and early B-type supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds
C Evans, P Crowther, A Fullerton, J Hillier
ApJ 610 1021 astro-ph/0404231

(57) WR20a: A very massive cornerstone binary system comprising two extreme early-type stars
G Rauw, M De Becker, Y Naze, P Crowther et al.
A&A 420 L9 astro-ph/0404551

(56) A CNO dichotomy in O2 Giant Spectra
N Walborn, N Morrell, I Howarth, P Crowther, D Lennon, P Massey, J Arias
ApJ 608 1028 astro-ph/0403557

(55) A unprecedented population of late-type WC stars in the metal-rich spiral galaxy M83
P Crowther, L Hadfield, H Schild, W Schmutz
A&A 419, L17

(54) Wolf-Rayet stars in M33. I: Optical spectroscopy using CFHT-MOS
J B Abbott, P Crowther, L Drissen, L Dessart, P Martin
MNRAS 350 552

(53) On the Wolf-Rayet counterpart to IC10 X-1
J S Clark, P Crowther
A&A 414, L45


(52) Dusty ring nebulae around luminous B supergiants: A new population luminous blue variables
J S Clark, M P Egan, Paul Crowther, D R Mizuno, V M Larionov, A Arkharov
A&A 412, 185

(51) MSX mid infrared imaging of massive star birth environments. I: Ultracompact HII regions
P Crowther, P Conti
MNRAS 343, 143 astro-ph/0302481

(50) Gemini observations of Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Local Group Starburst Galaxy IC10
P Crowther, L Drissen, J B Abbott, P Royer, S J Smartt
A&A 404, 483 (2003) astro-ph/0302475

(49) Variability in the luminous blue variable AFGL 2298
J S Clark, V M Larionov, P Crowther, M P Egan, A Arkharov
A&A 403, 653 (2003)

(48) A large WR population in NGC300 uncovered by VLT-FORS2
H Schild, P Crowther, J B Abbott, W Schmutz
A&A 397, 859 (2003) astro-ph/0209259


(47) Revised stellar temperatures for Magellanic Cloud O supergiants from FUSE and VLT-UVES spectroscopy
P Crowther, D J Hillier, C Evans, A W Fullerton, O De Marco, A J Willis
ApJ 579 774 (2002) astro-ph/0206257

(46) Realistic ionizing fluxes for young stellar populations from 0.05 to 2Zo
L J Smith, R P F Norris, P Crowther
MNRAS 337 1309 (2002) astro-ph/0207554

(45) An atlas of Galactic OB Spectra observed with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
A Pellerin, A W Fullerton, C Robert, J C Howk, J B Hutchings, N R Walborn, L Bianchi, P A Crowther, G Sonneborn
ApJS 143 159 (2002) astro-ph/0206321

(44) Physical parameters of the high-mass X-ray binary 4U1700-37
J S Clark, S P Goodwin, P A Crowther, L Kaper, M Fairbairn, N Langer, C Brocksopp
A&A 392, 909 (2002)

(43) Stellar and wind properties of LMC WC4 stars – A metallicity dependence for WR mass-loss rates
P Crowther, L Dessart, D J Hillier, J B Abbott, A W Fullerton
A&A 392, 653 (2002)

(42) The evolved early-type binary HDE228766 revisited
G Rauw, P Crowther, P R J Eenens, J Manfroid, J-M Vreux
A&A 392, 563 (2002)

(41) Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer atlas of OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds
N R, Walborn, A W Fullerton, P Crowther, L Bianchi, J B Hutchings, A Pellerin, G Sonneborn, A J Willis
ApJS 141, 443

(40) The enigmatic WR46: A binary or a pulsator in disguise. II Spectroscopy
P M. Veen, A M van Genderen, P Crowther, K A van der Hucht
A&A 385, 600

(39) A FUSE survey of interstellar molecular hydrogen in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds
J Tumlinson, J M. Shull, B L Rachford, M K Browning, T P Snow, A W Fullerton, E B Jenkins, B D Savage, P Crowther, H W Moos, K R Sembach, G Sonneborn, D G York
ApJ 566, 857 astro-ph/0110262


(38) SwSt1: An O-rich PN around a C-rich central star
O De Marco, P Crowther, M J Barlow, G C Clayton, A de Koter
MNRAS 328, 527 astro-ph/0108246

(37) Chemical abundances and winds of massive stars in M31: A B-type supergiant and a WC star in OB10
S J Smartt, P Crowther, P L Dufton, R P Kudritzki, A Herrero, J K McCarthy, F Bresolin
MNRAS 325, 257 astro-ph/0009156

(36) Extended optical spectroscopic monitoring of wind structure in HD 152408
R K Prinja, O Stahl, A Kaufer, S R Colley, P Crowther, B Wolf
A&A 367, 891-909 (2001)

(35) Physical parameters of erupting luminous blue variables: NGC2363-V1 caught in the act
L Drissen, P Crowther, L J Smith, C Robert, J-R Roy, D J Hillier
ApJ 546, 484 astro-ph/0008221


(34) Wind inhomogeneities in Wolf-Rayet stars, IV. Using clumps to prove the wind structure in the WC8 star HD 192103
S Lepine, A F J Moffat, S V Marchenko, N St-Louis, M J Dalton, P Crowther, L J Smith, A J Willis, I I Antokhin, G H Tovmassian
AJ (2000) AJ 102, 3201-17

(33) The detection of wind variability in Magellanic Cloud O stars
D Massa, A W Fullerton, J B Hutchings, D C Morton, G Sonneborn, A J Willis, L Bianchi, K R Brownsberger, P Crowther, T P Snow, D G York
ApJ 538, L47 astro-ph/00050434

(32) FUSE spectroscopy of the OVI resonance doublet in Sand 2 (WO)
P Crowther, A W Fullerton, D J Hillier, K Brownsberger, L Dessart et al.
ApJ 538, L51 astro-ph/0005056

(31) FUSE observations of the stellar winds of two O7 supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds
A W Fullerton, P Crowther, O De Marco, J B Hutchings et al.
ApJ 538, L43 astro-ph/0005039

(30) The Gamma Velorum binary system II: WR stellar parameters and the photon loss mechanism
O De Marco, W Schmutz, P Crowther, D J Hillier, L Dessart, A de Koter, J Schweickhardt
A&A 358, 187

(29) Quantitative analysis of WC stars: Constraints on neon abundances from ISO/SWS spectroscopy
L Dessart, P Crowther, D J Hillier, A J Willis, P W Morris, K A van der Hucht
MNRAS, 315, 407

(28) Wind properties of Wolf-Rayet stars at low metallicity: Sk41 (SMC)
P Crowther
A&A, 356, 191 (2000)

(27) A 0.4-20um spectroscopic study of the clumped wind of WR147
P W Morris, K A van der Hucht, P Crowther, D J Hillier, L Dessart, P M Williams, A J Willis
A&A, 353, 624 (2000)


(26) Wolf-Rayet nebulae as tracers of stellar ionizing fluxes: I. M1-67
P Crowther, A Pasquali, O De Marco, W Schmutz, D J Hillier, A de Koter
A&A 350, 1007 (1999) Gzipped PostScript

(25) NaSt1: A Wolf-Rayet star cloaked by an eta Car-like nebula?
P Crowther, L J Smith
MNRAS 308, 82 (1999)

(24) Quantitative near-IR spectroscopy of Of and WNL stars
B Bohannan, P Crowther
ApJ 511 374 (1999)

(23) M4-18: The planetary nebula and its WC10 central star
O De Marco, P Crowther
MNRAS 306, 931 (1999)

(22) Properties of hot stars in the Wolf-Rayet galaxy NGC5253 from ISO-SWS spectroscopy
P Crowther, S C Beck, A J Willis, P S Conti, P W Morris, R Sutherland
MNRAS 304, 654 (1999)


(21) An optical and near-IR spectroscopic study of the extreme P Cygni-type supergiant HDE316285
D J Hillier, P Crowther, F Najarro, A W Fullerton
A&A 340, 483 (1998)

(20) HST UV measurements of wind structure and velocities in Local Group OB stars
R K Prinja, P Crowther
MNRAS, 300, 828 (1998)

(19) Ejected nebulae as probes of the evolution of massive stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
L J Smith, A Nota, A Pasquali, C Leitherer, M Clampin, P Crowther
ApJ 503, 278 (1998)

(18) Quantitative spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet stars in HD97950 and R136a – The cores of giant HII regions
P Crowther, L Dessart
MNRAS 296, 622 (1998)

(17) The WC10 central stars CPD-56 8032 and He2-113: II Model analysis and comparison with nebular properties
O De Marco, P Crowther
MNRAS 296, 419 (1998)

(16) Quantitative classification of WC and WO stars
P Crowther, O De Marco, M J Barlow
MNRAS 296, 367 (1998)

(15) Clumping corrected mass-loss rates of Wolf-Rayet stars
T Nugis, P Crowther, A J Willis
A&A 333, 956 (1998)


(14) The neon abundance in WC stars I. ISO SWS spectroscopy of WR146 (WC6+O)
A J Willis, L Dessart, P Crowther, P W Morris, A Maeder, P S Conti, K A van der Hucht
MNRAS 290, 371 (1997)

(13) Remarkable spectral variability in WR104 (WC9): Dust condensation in a hostile environment?
P Crowther
MNRAS 290, L59 (1997)

(12) Fundamental parameters of Wolf-Rayet stars VI: Large Magellanic Cloud WNL stars
P Crowther, L J Smith
A&A 320, 500 (1997)

(11) B517 – Another very late WNL star in M33
P Crowther, T Szeifert, O Stahl, F-J Zickgraf
A&A 318, 543 (1997)

(10) A spectral analysis of HD151804, HD152408 and HDE313846 – The distinction between OIaf, OIafpe, WNLh
P Crowther, B Bohannan
A&A 317, 532 (1997)


(9) Variability in the optical wind lines of HD 151804 (O8 Iaf)
R K Prinja, A W Fullerton, P Crowther
A&A 311, 264 (1996)

(8) An infrared spectral analysis of two Cygnus WNE stars
P Crowther, L J Smith
A&A 305, 541 (1996)


(7) Fundamental parameters of Wolf-Rayet stars V. The nature of the WN/C star WR8
P Crowther, L J Smith, A J Willis
A&A 304, 269 (1995)

(6) A detailed study of a very late WN star in M33
L J Smith, P Crowther, A J Willis
A&A 302, 830 (1995)

(5) Fundamental parameters of Wolf-Rayet stars IV. Weak-lined WNE stars
P Crowther, L J Smith, D J Hillier
A&A 302, 457 (1995)

(4) Fundamental parameters of Wolf-Rayet stars III. The evolutionary status of WNL stars
P Crowther, L J Smith, D J Hillier, W Schmutz
A&A 293, 427 (1995)

(3) Fundamental parameters of Wolf-Rayet stars II. Tailored analyses of Galactic WNL stars
P Crowther, D J Hillier, L J Smith
A&A 293, 403 (1995)

(2) Fundamental parameters of Wolf-Rayet stars I. Ofpe/WN9 stars
P Crowther, D J Hillier, L J Smith
A&A 293, 172 (1995)


(1) A study of the luminous blue variable candidate He 3--519 and its surrounding nebula
L J Smith, P Crowther, R K Prinja
A&A 281, 833 (1994)

Conference and non-journal publications


(111) Observations of Massive Stars in Extragalactic Star Clusters
P A Crowther
In Proc. XXXIth IAU General Assembly, Focus Meeting 4 (J Espinosa, ed.) 

(110) The clumped winds of the most massive stars
S Brands et al.
In Proc. IAU Symp 361, Massive stars near and far (J Mackey, J S Vink, N St-Louis, eds.), p.184-189

(109) ULLYSES and complementary surveys of massive stars in the Magellanic Clouds
P A Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symp 361, Massive stars near and far (J Mackey, J S Vink, N St-Louis, eds.), p.15-25 arXiv:2207.08690

(108) Xshooting ULLYSES - massive stars at low metallicity
J S Vink, P A Crowther et al.
ESO Messenger 192 16


(107) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey
C Evans, D Lennon, N Langer et al.
ESO Messenger 181 22


(106) BlueMUSE: Project overview and science cases
Richard J et al.

(105) Unlocking galactic WR stars with Gaia DR2
G Rate, P Crowther
53rd ESLAB Symposium: The Gaia Universe
Conference paper


(104) Life at the extremes – Massive star formation and evolution in the Galactic Centre
J S Clark, M Lohr, F Najarro et al.
ESO Messenger 173 22


(103) Dissecting the core of the Tarantula Nebula with VLT MUSE
P A Crowther, N Castro, C J Evans et al.
ESO Messenger 170, 40

(102) Bridging the gap: From massive stars to supernovae
J R Maund, P A Crowther, T H Janka, N Langer
Introduction to Bridging the gap: from massive stars to supernovae, Phil Trans A, 375, 20170025

(101) T-ReX spies the stars of 30 Doradus
P Broos, L K Townsley, A Pollock, P Crowther
AAS, HEAD meeting #16, id.107.13

(100) The young and the massive: Stars at the upper end of the initial mass function
S Caballero-Nieves, P A Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symp. 329, The lives and death-throes of massive stars (ed. J J Eldridge)

(99) The Tarantula Nebula as a template for extragalactic star forming regions from VLT/MUSE and HST/STIS
P A Crowther, S M Caballero-Nieves, N Castro, C J Evans
In Proc. IAU Symp. 329, The lives and death-throes of massive stars (ed. J J Eldridge)

(98) The very massive star content of the nuclear star clusters in NGC 5253
L J Smith, P A Crowther, D Calzetti D
In Proc. IAU Symp. 329, The lives and death-throes of massive stars (ed. JJ Eldridge)

(97) The search for Wolf-Rayet stars in IC10
K Tehrani, P A Crowther, I Archer
In Proc. IAU Symp. 329, The lives and death-throes of massive stars (ed. JJ Eldridge)


(96) Gamma ray burst progenitors
A Levan et al.
Space Science Reviews, volume 202, issue 1-4, pp. 33-78


(95) The distribution of massive stars in M101
J Bibby et al.
Wolf-Rayet stars: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Potsdam, Germany

(94) Physical properties of the WR stars in Westerlund 1
C K Rosslowe, P A Crowther
Wolf-Rayet stars: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Potsdam, Germany

(93) PopIII-star siblings in IZw18 and metal-poor WR galaxies unveiled from integral field spectroscopy
C Kehrig et al.
Wolf-Rayet stars: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Potsdam, Germany

(92) Wolf-Rayet content of the Milky Way
P Crowther
Wolf-Rayet stars: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Potsdam, Germany

(91) SpS5 – II. Stellar and wind parameters
F Martins et al.
Highlights of Astronomy, volume 16, pp. 420-428

(90) Very massive stars in the local universe
J S Vink et al.
Highlights of Astronomy, volume 16, pp. 51-79

(89) Westerlund 1 is a galactic treasure chest: The Wolf-Rayet stars
C K Rosslowe, P A Crowther
In New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry, proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, volume 307, pp. 135-136


(88) Searching for Wolf-Rayet stars beyond the Local Group
J L Bibby, M M Shara, P A Crowther, A F J Moffat
In Proc. Four decades of research on massive stars, ASP Conf. Ser. 465, 478 (eds. L Drissen et al.)

(87) Testing feedback models with nearby star forming regions
E Doran, P A Crowther
In Proc. four decades of research on massive stars, ASP Conf. Ser. 465, 404 (eds. L Drissen et al.)

(86) Very massive stars and the Eddington limit
P A Crowther, R Hirschi, N Walborn, N Yusof
In Proc. Four decades of research on massive stars, ASP Conf. Ser. 465, 196 (eds. L Drissen et al.) arXiv:1209.6157


(85) IC4663: the first unambiguous [WN] Wolf-Rayet central star of a planetary nebula
B Miszalski, P A Crowther, O De Marco et al.
In Proc. 18th European White Dwarf Workshop, ASP Conf. Ser. arXiv:1210.0562

(84) Environments of massive stars and the upper mass limit
P A Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symp 279, p.9 arXiv:1209.3046

(83) Searching for Wolf-Rayet stars in M101
J L Bibby, P A Crowther, A F J Moffat et al.
In Proc. IAU Symp. 279, p.118 arXiv:1204.3483


(82) Very massive binaries in R136
Chene et al.
IAU Symp. 272, p. 497

(81) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey
D J Lennon et al.
IAU Symp. 272, p. 296

(80) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey
W D Taylor et al.
Soc. Roy. des Sci. de Liege, vol. 80, p. 430 (Proc. of 39th Liege Astrophys. Coll.)

(79) Contamination of short GRBs by giant magnetar flares: Significance of downward revision in distance to SGR 1806-20
P A Crowther, J L Bibby, J P Furness, J S Clark
In Proc. Neutron stars and gamma ray bursts (eds. A Ibrahim and J Grindlay), Adv. in Space Research, vol. 47, p. 1341 arXiv:0908.2773

(78) Investigating the properties of galactic luminous blue variables via IR observations
J S Clark, A Arkharov, V Larionov, B Ritchie, P Crowther, F Najarro
Soc. Roy. des Sci. de Liege, vol. 80, p. 361 (Proc. of 39th Liege Astrophys. Coll.)

(77) A VLT/UVES spectroscopy study of O2 stars in the LMC
E Doran, P A Crowther
Soc. Roy. des Sci. de Liege, vol. 80, p. 129 (Proc. of 39th Liege Astrophys. Coll.)


(76) The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey
C J Evans et al.
In Proc. IAU Symp. 266, p. 35 (CUP)

(75) Hot massive stars: The impact of HST
P Crowther
In Proc. The impact of HST on European astronomy (G De Marchi, F D Macchetto, eds.) Astrophysics & Space Science, Springer arXiv:0707.0068v1


(74) VLT/FORS surveys of Wolf-Rayet stars in the nearby universe
L J Hadfield, P A Crowther
In Proc. Massive stars as cosmic engines, IAU Symp. 250 (eds. F Bresolin, P Crowther, J Puls) p. 327

(73) Westerlund 1 as a template for massive star evolution
I Negueruela, J S Clark, L J Hadfield, P A Crowther
In Proc. Massive stars as cosmic engines, IAU Symp. 250 (eds. F Bresolin, P Crowther, J Puls) p. 301

(72) UCHII regions and newly born O-type stars
P S Conti, J Rho, J P Furness, P A Crowther
In Proc. Massive stars as cosmic engines, IAU Symp. 250 (eds. F Bresolin, P Crowther, J Puls) p. 285

(71) Properties of Wolf-Rayet stars
PA Crowther
In Proc. Massive stars as cosmic engines, IAU Symp. 250 (eds. F Bresolin, P Crowther, J Puls), p.47

(70) Radio study on the mass loss bi-stability jump
P Benaglia, J S Vink, J Maiz Apellaniz et al.
In Proc. Massive stars: Fundamental parameters and circumstellar interactions (eds. P Benaglia et al.) Rev Mex A&A Conf. Ser. 33, 65

(69) The extragalactic Wolf-Rayet/black-hole X-ray binary candidates NGC 300 X-1 and IC 10 X-1
S Carpano, A M T Pollock, A Prestwich et al.
In A population explosion (eds, R M Bandyopadhay et al.) AIP Conf. Proc. 1010, 330

(68) Mid-IR observations of WC stars, and the connection to wind clumping
O Schnurr, P A Crowther
In Clumping in hot-star winds (eds. W-R Hamann et al.) p. 89

(67) Rapidly accelerating clumps in the winds of the very hot WNE stars
A-N Chene, A F Moffat, P A Crowther
In Clumping in hot-star winds (eds. W-R Hamann et al.) p. 163

(66) P Crowther
In Proc. Hydrogen-deficient stars (K Werner, T Rauch, eds.) ASP Conf. Ser., 391, 83 arXiv:0710.5774v1

(65) Wolf-Rayet populations at high metallicity
P Crowther
In Proc. The metal rich universe (eds. G Israelian, G Meynet), CUP astro-ph/0608076

(64) Physical properties of Galactic B supergiants
P Crowther, D J Lennon, N Walborn, S J Smartt
In Proc. Mass loss from stars and the evolution of stellar clusters (eds. A de Koter, L J Smith, R Waters), ASP Conf. Ser. 388, 109 astro-ph/0606717

(63) Newly born O stars in clusters
P Conti, J Rho, P Crowther, J Furness
In Proc. Mass loss from stars and the evolution of stellar clusters (eds. A de Koter, L J Smith, R Waters), ASP Conf. Ser. 388, 387

(62) Metallicity dependent Wolf-Rayet winds?
P Crowther
In Proc. Massive stars: From Pop III and GRBs to the Milky Way (ed. M Livio), CUP in press astro-ph/0606580


(61) IC10 X-1 (WN+cc)
P A Crowther, J S Clark
In Proc. Massive stars in interacting binaries (eds. Moffat, St Louis), ASP, Gzipped PostScript


(60) The post final Helium shell flash evolution of V605 Aql
G C Clayton, J M Fedrow, P Crowther, F Kerber, N Pirzkal, O de Marco
In Proc. Planetary nebulae in our galaxy and beyond, IAU Symposium 234, 379, CUP

(59) Observed metallicity dependence of winds from WR stars
P Crowther
In Proc. Stellar evolution at low metallicity: Mass-loss, explosions, cosmology (eds. H Lamers, N Langer, T Nugis), ASP Conf. Ser. 353, p. 157 astro-ph/0510063

(58) How extreme are the WR clusters in NGC3125?
L J Hadfield, P Crowther
In Proc. Stellar evolution at low metallicity: Mass-loss, explosions, cosmology (eds. H Lamers, N Langer, T Nugis), ASP Conf. Ser. 353, p. 247

(57) Properties of hot, massive stars: The impact of FUSE
P A Crowther
In Proc. Astrophysics in the far ultraviolet – Five years of discovery with FUSE (eds. Sonneborn, Moos, Andersson), ASP Conf. ser. vol. 348, p. 107 astro-ph/0410016


(56) Near and mid infrared observations of ultracompact HII regions
P Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symposium 227, Massive star birth: A crossroads of astrophysics (R Cesaroni, E Churchwell, M Felli, C M Walmsley, eds.) p. 389 astro-ph/0506324

(55) The disk Wolf-Rayet population of the nuclear starburst galaxy M83
P A Crowther, L J Hadfield, H Schild, W Schmutz
In Proc. Starbursts: from 30 Doradus to Lyman break galaxies (eds. R de Grijs, R Gonzalez Delgado), Kluwer, p. 21 Gzipped PostScript

(54) The Wolf-Rayet population in region B of NGC5253
F Sidoli, L Smith, P A Crowther, W D Vacca, W Schmutz
In Proc. The formation and evolution of young massive star clusters (eds. Lamers, Smith, Nota) ASP, p. 217


(53) Massive stars in transition
P A Crowther
In Proc. Summer school on stellar physics XII-XIII, Evolution of massive stars, mass loss and winds (eds. M Heydari-Malayeri, P Stee, J-P Zahn) EAS Publ. Series, vol. 13, p. 119 astro-ph/0305141

(52) Fundamental parameters of massive stars
P A Crowther
In Proc. Summer school on stellar physics XII-XIII, Evolution of massive stars, mass loss and winds (eds. M Heydari-Malayeri, P Stee, J-P Zahn) EAS Publ. Series, vol. 13, p. 1 astro-ph/0305140

(51) CNO abundances in Magellanic Cloud OB supergiants
P A Crowther, C J Evans
In Proc. IAU Symp. 215, Stellar rotation, ASP, in press (eds A Maeder, P R J Eenens)
PS file


(50) Dust formation around Wolf-Rayet stars
P Crowther
Ap&SS 285, 677

(49) Special session on recent advances in nebular diagnostics
D Schaerer, P Crowther, M S Oey
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 777 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)

(48) High resolution spectroscopy of two LBV cycles of HR Car
T Szeifert, A Kaufer, P Crowther, O Stahl, C Sterken
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 243 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)

(47) New line-blanketed model atmospheres and their impact on synthesis models
L J Smith, R P F Norris, P A Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 604 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)
PS file

(46) FUSE far-ultraviolet spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet stars
A J Willis, P A Crowther, J Hutchings, A Fullerton, K Brownsberger, D Massa, N Walborn
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 263 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)
PS file

(45) Wolf-Rayet populations in starburst galaxies
R P F Norris, L J Smith, P A Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 570 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)
PS file

(44) Spectroscopic studies of OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds with UVES
C J Evans, P A Crowther, A W Fullerton, D J Hillier
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 176 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)
PS file

(43) Spectral analysis of WC Stars in M33 using CFHT-MOS
J B Abbott, P A Crowther, L Drissen, L Dessart, P Martin
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 148 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)
PS file

(42) WR stars at 1-2Mpc
P A Crowther, J B Abbott, L Drissen, H Schild, W Schmutz, P Royer, S J Smartt
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 547 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.)
PS file

(41) Stellar properties of WR stars from far-UV to mid-IR observations
P A Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symp. 212, A massive star odyssey, from main sequence to supernova, ASP, p. 47 (eds. K A van der Hucht et al.) astro-ph/0207574

(40) Revised abundances and ionizing fluxes for [WC]-type PN central stars using line blanketed models
P A Crowther, J B Abbott, D J Hillier, O De Marco
In Proc. IAU Symp. 209, Planetary nebulae, ASP, p. 243-244 (eds. M Dopita et al.)
PS file


(39) Interactions of young starbursts with their environments: Realistic ionizing fluxes from 0.05 to 2Zo
L J Smith, R P F Norris, P A Crowther
In The evolution of galaxies, II: Basic building blocks, Kluwer, (eds. M Sauvage, G Stasinska, D Schaerer) APSS 281 p. 215

(38) The earliest stages of massive star birth
P A Crowther (ed.)
ASP Conf. Ser. 267

(37) Ionized nebular as probes of the Lyman continua from WR stars
P A Crowther
In Interacting winds from massive stars, ASP Conf. Ser. 260, p. 119 (eds. A F J Moffat, N St Louis)
PS file


(36) Stellar winds of massive stars
P A Crowther
In The influence of binaries on stellar population studies (ed. D Vanbeveren), Kluwer, p. 215 astro-ph/0010581


(35) Neon abundances in Wolf-Rayet stars
K A van der Hucht, P W Morris, P M Williams, P A Crowther, L Dessart, A J Willis, D J Hillier
In ISO beyond the peaks: The second ISO workshop on analytical spectroscopy, VILSPA (2000)


(34) Analyses of Wolf-Rayet stars in Local Group Galaxies
W Schmutz, O De Marco, H Schild, P Crowther, I D Howarth
In Proc. IAU Symp. 192, Stellar content of Local Group Galaxies, ASP, p. 277 (1999)

(33) Ring nebulae abundances: Probes of the evolution history of luminous blue variable stars
L J Smith, A Nota, A Pasquali, C Leitherer, M Clampin, P Crowther
In Proc. Variable and non-spherical stellar winds in luminous hot stars (eds. B Wolf, A Fullerton, O Stahl) Lecture Notes in Physics vol. 523, p. 400 Springer (1999)

(32) HST/STIS witnesses a major LBV eruption
P Crowther, L Drissen, L J Smith, J-R Roy, D J Hillier
In Proc. Unsolved problems in stellar evolution STScI vol. 12, p. 9 (1999)
PS file

(31) ISO studies of luminous early-type stars
P Morris, J Bouwman, P Crowther et al.
In Proc. The universe as seen by ISO (eds. P Cox, M F Kessler) Proc. UNESCO/ESA Conf. SP-428 p. 247

(30) Progress in Model Atmosphere Studies of WR stars
P Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p. 116 (1999)
PS file

(29) The nature of NaSt1 from Keck spectroscopy
P Crowther, L J Smith
In Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p. 63 (1999)
PS file

(28) The stellar content of the WR galaxy NGC5253 from ISO/SWS spectroscopy
P Crowther, S C Beck, A J Willis, P S Conti, P W Morris, R S Sutherland
In Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p. 594 (1999)
PS file

(27) The neon abundance in WC stars II. ISO/SWS spectroscopy of HD156385 (WR90)
L Dessart, A J Willis, P Crowther, P W Morris, D J Hillier
In Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p.233 (1999)
PS file

(26) Neon abundances in three Wolf-Rayet stars observed with ISO/SWS
P W Morris, K A van der Hucht, A J Willis, L Dessart, P Crowther, P M Williams
Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p. 77 (1999)

(25) Stellar properties of Galactic Centre HeI sources
L Dessart, P Crowther, L J Smith, B Bohannan
In Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p. 476 (1999)
PS file

(24) Ejected nebulae as probes of WR Lyman Continua
A Pasquali, P Crowther, W Schmutz, D J Hillier
In Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p. 380 (1999)
PS file

(23) The extreme P Cygni star HDE 316285
D J Hillier, P Crowther, F Najarro, A Fullerton
In Proc. IAU Symp. 193: Wolf-Rayet phenomena in massive stars and starburst galaxies (eds. K A van der Hucht, G Koenigsberger, P R J Eenens) ASP, p. 246 (1999)
PS file


(22) Near-IR diagnostics and tests of blanketing in early-type stars
P Crowther, B Bohannan, A Pasquali
In Proc. Boulder-Munich workshop II, ASP Conf. Ser. (ed. I D Howarth) p. 38 (1998)

(21) The neon abundance in Wolf-Rayet stars: A test of massive star evolution theory
A J Willis, L Dessart, P Crowther, P Morris, K van der Hucht
In Proc. Boulder-Munich workshop II, ASP Conf. Ser. (ed. I D Howarth) p. 66 (1998)

(20) Quantitative comparison between Wolf-Rayet stars in HD97950 and R136a
P Crowther, L Dessart
In Proc. Boulder-Munich workshop II, ASP Conf. Ser. (ed. I D Howarth) p. 368 (1998)

(19) ISO SWS spectroscopy of WR 146 (WC6+O)
A J Willis, L Dessart, P Crowther, P Morris, K A van der Hucht
In Proc. ISO's view of stellar evolution (eds. R Waters, C Waelkens and K A van der Hucht) Kluwer, Ap&SS 256, p. 167 (1998)

(18) Quantitative spectral classification of late WC stars
O De Marco, P Crowther, M J Barlow
In Proc. IAU Symp. 180, Planetary nebulae (eds. H J Habing, H J G L M Lamers) Kluwer, p. 19 (1998)

(17) Modelling the stellar winds of the [WC10] central stars CPD-56 8032 and He2-113
O De Marco, P Crowther, P J Storey, M J Barlow
In Proc. IAU Symp. 180, Planetary nebulae (eds. H J Habing, H J G L M Lamers) Kluwer, p. 102 (1998)

(16) Ionizing power of massive stars in the cores of two giant HII regions
L Dessart, P Crowther
In ISO's view on stellar evolution, Kluwer, Ap&SS 260, p. 177 (1998)


(15) The effective temperatures of hot stars
P Crowther
In Proc. IAU Symposium 189, Fundamental stellar properties, T Bedding, A Booth, J Davis (eds.) p.137-146 (1997)
PS file

(14) Properties of LBVs and related objects
P Crowther
In Proc. LBVs: Massive stars in transition, ASP Conf. Ser. 120, A Nota, H J G L M Lamers (eds.) p. 51 (1997)


(13) Observed properties of Wolf-Rayet and related stars at optical to X-ray wavelengths
A J Willis, P Crowther
In WR stars in the framework of stellar evolution, 33rd Liege Int. Astroph. Coll. p. 109 (1996)

(12) On the nature of OIafpe stars
P Crowther, B Bohannan
In WR stars in the framework of stellar evolution, 33rd Liege Int. Astroph. Coll. p. 437 (1996)

(11) A quantitative analysis of the [WCL] star CPD-56 8032
P Crowther, O De Marco, P J Storey, M J Barlow
In Hydrogen deficient stars, ASP Conf. ser. 96, 149 (1996)

(10) Quantitative spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet stars and related objects
P Crowther
In Progress in European astrophysics, Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. vol. 67, p. 943 (1996)

(9) A quantitative analysis of the [WCL] star CPD-56 8032
P Crowther, O De Marco, M J Barlow, P J Storey
Ap&SS 238, 119 (1996)


(8) Evolutionary status of Wolf-Rayet stars
P Crowther, L J Smith, D J Hillier
In Proc. IAU Symp. 163 (Kluwer) p. 147 (1995)

(7) The physical nature of WR8 (WN6/WC4)
P Crowther, L J Smith, A J Willis
In Proc. IAU Symp. 163 (Kluwer) p. 152 (1995)

(6) MCA1B – A dormant LBV in M33?
P Crowther, L J Smith, A J Willis
In Proc. IAU Symp. 163 (Kluwer) p. 152 (1995)

(5) An empirical study of Wolf-Rayet stellar wind ionization stratification
M J Dalton, P Crowther, A J Willis
In Proc. IAU Symp. 163 (Kluwer) p. 154 (1995)


(4) Observations of the atmospheres and winds of O stars, LBVs and WR stars
P Crowther, A J Willis
Space Sci. Review 66 85 (1994)

(3) Tailored analyses of 24 Galactic WN stars
P Crowther, D J Hillier, L J Smith
Space Sci. Review 66 85 (1994)


(2) Model atmosphere studies of Wolf-Rayet stars
P Crowther
PhD Thesis, University of London


(1) On the H/He ratio of WN stars
P Crowther, L J Smith, A J Willis
In Proc. IAU Symp. 143 (Kluwer) p. 947 (1991)