I have contributed to recent (and upcoming) conferences as follows:
The very high energy view on massive stellar ecosystems SOC member (SS23 at EAS, Cork, Ireland, June 2025)
MunichFest: Celebrating 40 years of research on hot luminous stars SOC member (La Palma, 7-11 Apr 2025)
Lorentz Workshop: ULLYSES: New horizons in massive star spectroscopy (Leiden, 7-11 Nov 2022)
IAUGA FM4: UV Insights to massive stars and young stellar clusters, invited speaker (Busan, Korea, 2-3 August 2022).
IAU Symp. 361: Massive stars near and far, invited speaker (Ballyconnell, Ireland, May 2022).
Lorentz workshop: Bringing stellar evolution and feedback together (Leiden, 25-29 April 2022).
Lorentz workshop ULLYSES sets sail: Massive star spectroscopy with the HST and ESO VLT (Leiden, 13-17 December 2021).
Massive stars: Birth, rotation and chemical evolution, SOC member (Leiden, EAS 2021, 29-30 June 2021).
Resolving the ionised ISM, invited speaker (EWASS Lyon, France, June 2019).
Supernova diversity: Prospects and challenges for next-generation surveys, SOC member (Liverpool, EWASS 2018, 3-4 April 2018).
Spectral diagnostics to explore the Cosmic Dawn with JWST, invited speaker (Baltimore US, July-August 2017).
The Progenitor-Supernova-Remnant connection, contributed speaker (Ringberg Germany, July 2017).
Eta Carinae, LBVs, and supernova impostors (Pittsburgh US, June 2017).
IAU Symp. 329: The lives and deaths-throes of massive stars (Auckland NZ, 28 November to 2 December 2016).
Bridging the gap: From massive stars to supernovae, meeting organiser (Chicheley Hall, England, 1-2 June 2016).
Escape of Lyman radiation from galactic labyrinths, invited speaker (Crete, Greece, 26-29 April 2016).
Feedback in the Magellanic Clouds, invited speaker (Baltimore, USA, 5-7 October 2015).
Workshop on Wolf-Rayet stars, SOC member and invited speaker (Potsdam, Germany 1-5 June 2015).
Gamma ray bursts workshop, invited speaker (Beijing, China, 13-17 April 2015).
Supernovae in the Local Universe, invited speaker (Coffs Harbour, Australia, 11-15 August 2014).
EWASS Symp. 7: Fast outflows in massive stars, invited speaker (Geneva, Switzerland, 30 June to 1 July 2014).
Science with the HST IV: Looking to the future, invited speaker (Rome, Italy, 17-20 March 2014).
Galaxies meet GRBs at Cabo de Gata, invited speaker (Capo de Gata, Spain, 23-27 September 2013).
Massive stars: From Alpha to Omega, invited speaker (Rhodes, Greece, 10-14 June 2013).
The deaths of stars and the lives of galaxies, invited speaker (Santiago, Chile, 8-12 April 2013).
30 Doradus: The starburst next door, invited speaker (Baltimore, USA, 17-19 September 2012).
Supernovae illuminating the universe: From individuals to populations, contributed speaker (Garching, Germany, 10-14 September 2012).
Very massive stars in the Local Universe, invited speaker at JD2 at IAU General Assembly (Beijing, China, 20-31 August 2012).
Death of massive stars: Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, invited speaker (Nikko, Japan, 12-16 March 2012).