Scientific articles
The VLT FLAMES Tarantula Survey (ESO Messenger, 181, 2020).
Massive stars in the Tarantula Nebula: A Rosetta Stone for extragalactic supergiant HII regions (Galaxies, 2019).
Dissecting the core of the Tarantula Nebula with MUSE (ESO Messenger, 170, 2017).
An astrophysical laboratory: Understanding and exploiting the young massive cluster Westerlund 1 (ESO Messenger 159, 2015).
Birth, life and death of massive stars (Astronomy and Geophysics, vol. 53, 4.30-4.36, August 2012). PDF (534KB)
A second flavour of Wolf-Rayet CSPNe (Gemini Focus, vol. 44, June 2012).
The VLT FLAMES Tarantula Survey (ESO Messenger, 145, September 2011).
Dissecting the galactic super star cluster Westerlund 1 - A laboratory for stellar evolution (ESO Messenger 142, Dec 2010).
Monster stars: How big can they get? (PDF, 963KB) (Astronomy Beat, November 2010).
VLT/FORS surveys of Wolf-Rayet stars beyond the Local Group: Type Ib/c supernova progenitors? (PDF, 2MB) (ESO Messenger, 129, September 2007).
Core-collapse supernovae and their massive progenitors (Astronomy and Geophysics, February 2007).